Herby Restaurant Boosts their Digital Marketing Efforts
Located in the vibrant Greektown neighborhood in Toronto, Herby Restaurant is a Persian restaurant where guests can experience authentic Iranian food made by chef Javad Zahedifar. Herby’s ambiance is simple, restful, and rich in cultural heritage, with a décor of Persian pottery and photos and music that softly fills the air. It is a place for romantic dinners, birthdays, and family occasions highlighting food from the Northwestern region of Iran.
For Zahedifar, there is a big difference between eating et dining. He aims to create a true dining experience for all their guests with classic Persian pairings that balance hot and cold gastronomy. Herby’s fare is based on the best fresh, organic, and preservative-free ingredients available, often imported directly from Tabriz.
Herby Restaurant opened just before the pandemic forced in person dining to close. New restaurants can often rely on a certain amount of foot traffic and word of mouth, but the unique timing of this opening required Herby to rely more heavily on digital marketing in its early stages.
Herby received a Digital Transformation Grant and used the funds to hire a digital marketing consultant. They also got some assistance from their local Digital Service Squad member. With the squad, they optimized their Google My Business page and looked at some other free tools to take advantage of.
Most recently, Herby Restaurant participated in a pilot with Beam.city, an AI driven digital ad platform. The pilot, which was part of the DMS Lab funded by the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario, offered businesses three months of access to the platform, along with ad credits and help with strategy. Beam.city DNA allows businesses to advertise on up to 18 top ad channels and optimizes their ads in real-time.
Fortunately, in person dining has reopened, but learning digital skills early on will no doubt give Herby an advantage in the years to come.
“I want to make homemade, non commercial food because of what I believe in cooking. Well prepared food is a culture. It’s health, it’s love. For me, Herby is a symbol of all the good things that happen when people come together.” Chef Javad Zahedifar
cliquez ici to learn more about the Digital Transformation Grant and ici to learn more about the Digital Service Squad
Découvrez beam.city to learn more about their digital advertising platform.