Social Media Management
Venturing in to social media may seem easy, everyones doing it. Some people even say “It’s free, you have to do it!” Sadly social media isn’t free. It takes time, strategy, planning and proper execution.
Paid promotion is a must. Sharing a post with your 750 followers or friends will never result in a positive ROI. Average online conversions rates range from 1% – 3%, you need to reach as many potential customers as possible. Don’t believe us? When was the last time you clicked an advertisement online? And how many did you see before you clicked that one in particular?
Creating content without strategy is risky. Facilitating online conversations takes time. Targeting the right audience takes research.
Let’s talk about where your audience is, how they use social media in their buying cycle, where we can inject content, and how to get quality leads.
Facebook. Instagram. Twitter. Youtube. Reddit. Snapchat. Pintrest. Houzz. LinkedIn.
Online communities aren’t one size fits all. Let’s go where your brand belongs. We can help.