From Studio to Screen: MM Studios’ Digital Journey to Online Success
Toronto’s MM Studios, led by Melanie McGregor, used CDAP to enhance its online presence—boosting bookings, growing visibility, and making creative space more accessible.
A Game-Changing Digital Transformation
Navigating the digital landscape can be overwhelming for small business owners, but MM Studios received hands-on support from an e-commerce advisor that helped guide Melanie by providing recommendations to ensure she was going in the right digital direction. MM Studio’s digital transformation journey reached new heights when Melanie utilized the grant to launch a new e-commerce website. Having transformed the way the studio connects with clients, the results were almost immediate for MM Studios. Within just one week of launching their new website, they received multiple inquiries and secured their first booking.
“Right as I launched my e-commerce website, I received my first booking within 1 week! It's working already!
The website not only streamlined the booking process for existing customers but also gave MM Studios the means to reach new audiences. Getting their business online served to improve MM Studios’ visibility on search engines, allowing potential clients to discover the studio when searching for rental spaces. The new-found potential this provided her business was shocking to Melanie:
“Instantly I have received awareness on Google by my website popping up when people search for studio rentals! I didn't think I would receive inquiries so quickly!”
With the microgrant, MM Studios was able to make strategic investments in their website to enhance user experience and online visibility. By introducing the booking system and ensuring the website was search-friendly, they have made it easier for customers to find and book their services online and brought them one step closer to their mission.
What’s Next for MM Studios?
The digital journey for MM Studios is just beginning. Over the next five years, Melanie plans to introduce even more online booking options to create a seamless rental and booking experience. The ultimate goal? To expand MM Studios into a larger space to accommodate the growing demand from Toronto’s vibrant creative community.
At its core, MM Studios remains committed to empowering individuals through dance, performance, and artistic expression. With a stronger digital foundation in place, the studio is poised to reach more artists and continue fostering a thriving creative environment.
A Bright Digital Future Ahead
MM Studios’ success story is a testament to how digital transformation can propel small businesses forward. With the help of the CDAP program, Melanie has positioned her studio for long-term success.
If you’re an artist, dancer, or creative enthusiast looking for a space to bring your vision to life, visit www.mmstudiosto.ca or follow @mmstudiosto on social media.
If you’re looking for e-commerce resources to support your business check out the DMS Resource Hub.
Digital Main Street a été créé par la Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas (TABIA) avec le soutien direct de la Ville de Toronto. DMS est également soutenu par un groupe de partenaires commerciaux stratégiques, dont Google, Mastercard, Shopify, Meta, Intuit QuickBooks, Square, Lightspeed, Ebay et Postes Canada.
Dans le cadre du Programme canadien d'adoption numérique, le gouvernement du Canada s'est associé à Digital Main Street pour offrir la subvention Développez votre entreprise en ligne aux petites entreprises de l'Ontario. Le programme offre aux propriétaires d'entreprise éligibles une micro-subvention pouvant atteindre 2 400 $ pour aider à couvrir les coûts liés à la mise en œuvre d'une stratégie de commerce électronique et un soutien pratique d'un réseau de conseillers en commerce électronique.