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What is ShopHERE?

ShopHERE provides independent small Canadian businesses and artists with a quick, easy and no-cost way to get selling online right away. The program provides businesses with:

Choix de magasin en ligne personnalisé qui affiche leurs renseignements, leur marque, leur logo, etc.

Aide concrète à la création et au lancement de leur magasin en ligne.

Formation sur la gestion d’un magasin en ligne, notamment sur le marketing numérique, l’expédition et la gestion des stocks.

Accès à des outils gratuits pour aider au lancement de leur magasin en ligne.


What Does It Cost?

Depending on your municipality’s Province, there may be no-cost to deliver ShopHERE in your community, or it may require cost-sharing students for your community. The funding for the program is evolving day-to-day due to new partnerships with the Federal and Provincial governments.

Sign-up today and our team will reach out to discuss getting ShopHERE up and running quickly in your community.

Get ShopHERE in your community

If you're interested in bringing the ShopHERE powered by Google program to your municipality, sign up here and someone from Digital Main Street will reach out with more information. This program is in partnership with municipalities, so there may be a cost to join to cover student wages.

Founding Partners

Program Partners

On commence?

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