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CyberPR Army

Nombre d'années d'activité : 6 - 15
Emplacement du siège social : Riverview, New Brunswick, Canada


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Roadmaps & Audits

We know that sometimes you just need to be pointed in the right direction. Our selection of roadmaps & audits can help you discover the right adjustments to make to boost visibility & functionality.

We offer in-depth review services which look at every aspect of a marketing area.

  • Website review – your website will be audited from top to bottom. Our expert team will examine user experience, SEO, aesthetics and more to give you a detailed breakdown of recommendations.
  • Online presence review – your website will be reviewed as above (if you have one) along with any social media accounts. We will examine aesthetics, branding, posting schedule and more.
  • Email marketing review – your existing email marketing efforts will be reviewed with suggestions given for functionality, aesthetics, and adding value. We will also suggest ways to automate, pull in additional content, and boost your open and clickthrough rates.

At the end of our review, you can work through the suggestions yourself or choose to have us stay on. If you want to do it yourself but don’t have the skills, we can show you how with our training, course, and coaching options.

On commence?

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