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Impact Copywriting Group

Nombre d'années d'activité : 5 et moins
Emplacement du siège social : Calgary, Alberta, Canada


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Squeeze Pages

The squeeze page is the area on your website that captures the name and email address of visitors before they leave and possibly never return. A squeeze page is critical in building an email list.

The squeeze page, commonly referred to as an optin page or lead generation page has one goal – to capture the name and email address of site visitors in order to build an email list. In some cases, more information is captured, and in other cases less. The amount of information depends upon the type of product being sold.

Squeeze pages are generally short, simple, and provide no option but to enter the information or leave. They are highly focused and free of distractions. The squeeze page is a variation of a Landing Page, with visitors reaching it from an online advertisement, email, social media site, or somewhere within the site itself.

As simple as a Squeeze Page appears, its design requires tremendous attention to detail. Each element which includes the headline, copy text comprised of short sentences and bullet points, image, an optional video, and an optin box, must be carefully crafted to grab attention, hold the reader’s interest, and get them to complete the optin details.

In return for providing personal information, the visitor is offered free information which can take the form of a special report, eBook, video training course, and much more. Impact Copywriting can help with generating ideas and creating the giveaway.


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