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How Ambitious Owners Of The Saucy Pot Reinvented Their Business And Moved It Online

par Sukhvir Shergill   |   19 avril 2023   |   Partager :  

The Saucy Pot is a small family-owned business run by Christine Kiernander and her husband Chef Tyler, who wanted to take their business online. Through the creation of an online store, they have been able to expand their reach beyond their neighbourhood and provide customers with the convenience of shopping at any time. It's a story that provides hope for other businesses in similar positions as this couple has shown that anything is possible with dedication, hard work, and willingness to try something new. 

When the doors to the Saucy Pot soup counter had to close temporarily due to COVID-19, owner and operator Christine and her husband Chef Tyler were brokenhearted. However, with strong customer feedback supporting their beloved soup creations, they found the fuel within themselves to devise an innovative way of continuing to offer their delicious culinary delights without compromising on service delivery.  

Thanks to the support offered through the ShopHERE Program powered by Google, The Saucy Pot was able to build a successful online website giving the business a whole new life.  

“I have become prouder and more confident with my decision-making. With the addition of the website, I am able to converse and market the business better. With the online store, I am able to reach and capture customers outside my neighborhood, as well I can provide customers with the ability to shop/order on their time not just when we are open. The ease of communicating our delivery of service and products has improved tremendously. We can now use social media to drum up hype and refer to the website for all-encompassing, accessible information for our customers. It has minimized the confusion while transitioning from restaurant to retail store. As well, the optics of our business model has been given legitimacy with the website/online store which gives me more confidence in marketing The Saucy Pot” 

Digital Main Street’s ShopHERE powered by Google program has been a huge support in helping The Saucy Pot reinvent their business and move it online.  

“I would really like to convey how easy and comprehensive the eCommerce coordinators made this whole process for me, from understanding what I am responsible for, where to find relevant resources that are easy to comprehend, and how to keep us (business and customers) safe from threats. The workbooks were super easy to fill out and guided me to better understand the business needs and wants which improves how I can and am asking for help and support. Thats all. Truly grateful for the experience and confidence booster” 

Starting a business is challenging enough already, and when faced with difficult situations, it's even harder to have the confidence and motivation to move things forward. But that's exactly what ambitious owners and operators of The Saucy Pot did — they made the bold decision to take their business online. Despite all the challenges, this determined team found success when they channeled their creativity into making an impactful digital presence for their restaurant. Through hard work and dedication, Christine was able to transform an in-person store into a digital powerhouse – reaching customers not just in their neighborhood but around the world.  

To learn more click sur ce site to check out The Saucy Pot! If you enjoyed learning about Christine’s experience with the program, and are interested in signing up you can do so by visiting the ShopHERE powered by Google program website by clicking sur ce site

About Digital Main Street

Digital Main Street a été créé par la Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas (TABIA) avec le soutien direct de la Ville de Toronto. DMS est également soutenu par un groupe de partenaires commerciaux stratégiques, dont Google, Mastercard, Shopify, Meta, Intuit QuickBooks, Square, Lightspeed, Ebay et Postes Canada.

L'investissement continu de la province de l'Ontario, par l'intermédiaire du Ministère du Développement économique, de la Création d’emplois et du Commerce (MEDJCT), a permis l'expansion continue de la plateforme numérique de la rue principale afin de soutenir davantage d'entreprises qui passent au numérique dans tout l'Ontario.

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