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Digital transformation: Separating fact from fiction

par Microsoft   |   9 novembre 2017   |   Partager :  

Considering a digital transformation? This post explains why small and medium-sized businesses should hurry up and modernize.

This post was first shared on the ModernBiz Blog. To read the original blog, click sur ce site.

You’ve undoubtedly read lots about digital transformation, moving to the cloud, and possibly, even cyber security. Thinking that your business or employer isn’t at risk, you might take the wait and see attitude. Just sit on the sidelines while you watch competitors dip their toe in the proverbial digital transformation waters. That strategy works against your business objectives.

As more small and mid-size companies move their business to the cloud, so shifts the Canadian economy online.  How will your business compete in the digital marketplace?

I don’t speak tech talk

You’re busy running your business, so the thought of learning new tech language may turn you off. That’s understandable. Lucky for you, you don’t need a degree in IT management to recognize the benefits of the cloud and how it can work for your business. As an entrepreneur, you have the capacity to see the big picture and quickly ascertain the value of a sound business decision. Although it’s a tough decision to make, modernizing your business should be your next smart investment.

Resisting change

There’s no shortage of excuses when you’re managing cash flow—I get that.

“We have no time. Fitting in a digital transformation in this quarter can’t happen.”

“There’s too much work in production; we have to focus on other priorities.”

“Or we don’t have a digital transformation line item in this fiscal budget.”

If these excuses sound familiar, you’ve been stalling too long already. Time to sign up for growth and modernize your business already!

What does digital transformation even mean?

The short of it is quite simple. Digital transformation cuts costs, boosts productivity, and tightens security for businesses that modernize. By migrating your operations from old business processes to new, secure applications, your business thrives.

New technology infrastructure can help you spark collaboration; improve internal communication; nurture and strengthen customer relationships; and, best of all, protects your business assets securely in a Canadian cloud. That’s digital transformation in a nutshell.

In a survey of Canadian small businesses who invested in technology, Boston Consulting reported that those companies increased their annual revenue 15% faster and created jobs almost twice as fast as their competitors sitting on the sidelines.

Learn from Canadian success stories

I’m often told that entrepreneurs value successful enterprises. With that in mind, these short Canadian success stories should inspire you to begin your transformation:

  • Mabel’s Labels, creators of kids labels (recently acquired by Toronto-based CCL Industries) modernized their IT and drastically cut costs from $21,000 to $7,000 per year. By transforming digitally, staff can now work from anywhere with ease.
  • Moving their operations to cloud productivity and communication solutions, Interior design firm Bennett Design improved their design team’s ability to create , collaborate, save & share files securely, thanks to Azure and Office 365.
  • Leading social entertainment publisher start-up slashed costs, eliminated IT headaches & dumped the responsibility of managing and securing servers onto Azure. Now, 1 billion+ annual web visitors enjoy a secure, smooth & reliable user experience. Bravo!


Read the ebook

When considering Office 365 to power your organization, you need to know the facts. Your business depends on it. Ready to learn which of the top nine Office 365 business cloud myths you may have thought were true—but aren’t? (Requires registration)

Download “9 Myths About Moving to the Cloud”



The ModernBiz Blog helps Canada’s small and medium-sized business get the most value from modern tech. At Microsoft, we believe passionately that you don’t have to be technical to get modern technology working for you. And so we’re offering informative and topical articles, news, offers, success stories and more, all created and curated for real, everyday business people like you. Read more of our posts on the ModernBiz Blog.

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