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Engagement Agents

Years in business: 5 or less
Head office located: Hamilton, On, Canada


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Drive traffic & sales

Helping BIAs and their members drive traffic and sales, save time, money and resources, while ensuring compliance, by making it easy to engage their BIA’s marketing channels!

Every BIA member has something to promote whether it be a sale, special offer, event, gift with purchase, new arrival, loyalty program and much more!  And, every BIA member pays for marketing opportunities through the BIAs; whether built into member dues, levies, fees and/or taxes.

Every BIA wants to promote their members’ marketing campaigns to drive traffic and sales; whether via their mobile site, website, app, social media, email list, events, physical marketing campaigns.

However, based on our research, only 10% of BIA members engage their BIA marketing opportunities. 

Engagement Agents offers an innovative software platform to help BIAs and its members drive traffic and sales, save time, money and resources, while ensuring compliance, by making it easy to engage their BIA’s marketing channels. Our system makes it easy to promote special offers and engage potential customers!

Ready to get started?

