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Years in business: 6 - 15
Head office located: Toronto, On, Canada


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Social Media


Social Media Audit

Is your brand telling a consistent and impactful story online? Find out!

Short on time, money and need info fast? Let a social media expert (that’s me!) do a full audit of your online presence and give you an action plan to help you immediately up level your social media.

✔️Full audit of your online presence

✔️2-hrs of me solely sleuthing your social media (Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, TikTok, Pinterest + YouTube)

✔️Report in your inbox packed with all ways to up level your social media

✔️30-minute mentoring call to ask me all your burning questions

You’ll walk away with direction and clarity on how to tackle nailing your online presence, with a hit of Zoë energy to launch you into the stratosphere of excitement about your social!

Ready to get started?

