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India Stone Creative

Years in business: 5 or less
Head office located: Toronto, Ontario, Canada


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Free Website Audit and Consultation

Get a free website accessibility and mobile responsiveness audit, and find ways to improve your guests' online experience.

Did you know that 88% of mobile internet users search for products, services, or general inquiries on their devices? The mobile commerce market will quadruple by 2028, and yet many websites still aren’t mobile-friendly or accessible.

Our FREE audit will highlight key areas to improve your guests’ online experience, like:

  • Responsiveness – looks great and functions properly on all screen sizes
  • Search-optimized – help guests find you online
  • Accessibility – give equal access to your website for all guests

There’s no committment. Contact us today to get started. After we conduct your FREE website audit, you get a free consultation with an expert to go over the results with you.



Ready to get started?

