Meet top Freelancers now, Try JobBliss for 1 Month FREE
JobBliss is a Toronto company focused on helping companies find the talent they need, without the recruiter markup.
both a public marketplace to find and meet new talent, as well as a private database that allows employers to build and manage talent, with unlimited postings and connections.
Freelancers can see all jobs that fit their skill set and schedule, applying directly to the postings, connecting with companies and getting booked up in advance – for the first time they can have job security.
1. Employers can meet, build and manage their external freelance resources, all with one easy dashboard.
2. Freelancers can connect directly with employer’s databases, viewing and applying to jobs that fit their schedule.
3. Ongoing Job and talent management.
Say goodbye to the scattered excel spreadsheets of contacts, last minute scrambling and costly recruiting fees. Say hello to stress-free management of your freelance talent. The Little Black Book private freelance database gives you all the connections and postings you’ll need to get the job done, in one place.
Try JobBliss for free for a month!