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Kai Analytics

Years in business: 5 or less
Head office located: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


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Survey Research

Valid and reliable survey research takes more than just putting together a set of Likert-scale questions. At Kai Analytics, we can design, implement, analyze and interpret the results of your survey!

We’re with you every step of the survey process,
from design to deployment, and analysis.

Key Features: 

  1. Discrete Choice: We use methods like discrete choice experiments or conjoint analysis to measure the ideal product features most likely to maximize customer adaptation.
  2. Customer Satisfaction: Whether it’s student satisfaction, employee engagement, or user feedback, we’ll find the best way to survey your audience—including measuring your NPS scores.
  3. Message Testing: Your messaging needs to resonate with your customer. We test your message by finding your specified buyer persona in over 100 countries.

Ready to get started?

