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HR Consulting Company Takes a Training Course in Digital Marketing

by Communitech   |   July 05, 2021   |   Share this:  

“From Hiring to Retirement.” This motto demonstrates how Waterloo, Ontario based H2R Business Solutions takes care of human resources consulting challenges in any stage of a business’ lifecycle. Owner Jill  Zappitelli specializes in tailoring her efforts to each client she helps and these strong  relationships have grown into a wealth of word-of-mouth customers. 

“The team helped us venture into new areas we haven’t been before. We’re looking to grow in  the future and it’s as a result of their help,” says Jill. 

However, COVID-19 has changed the scope of their operations and funneled client leads into  the digital space, an area H2R has not been prioritizing. To help their digital presence and  develop the online connections necessary to grow, H2R turned to a Transformation Team at  Digital Main Street.

The team began by studying H2R’s current brand and then conducted a SWOT Analysis of the business’s current brand and social media presence to determine strengths and opportunities for improvement. As a result of this analysis, new graphics that aligned better with the company’s brand were created for social media and website use.


“Most of our clients come through referrals and we haven’t had a social media presence. Now  that the team has helped us with this, we’re just going to get bigger and better.” says Jill about the new graphics created by the Transformation Team.

More specifically for social media, the team developed a strategy for growth on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn. The first step was creating an Instagram account for H2R. To grow this account, the team conducted hashtag research of competitors and compiled  a list of relevant hashtags for H2R to use in future posts. In addition, the team developed a content calendar of brand-specific post ideas for H2R to use in the  coming months. Parts of this calendar included daily themed posts, a “How-To-Use” guide,  weekly recurring posts and a breakdown of post topics. General tips for managing Instagram were also provided to Jill to guide her in the future. 

Finally, the team provided some layout and design changes to the website and a list of keywords for use in blogs, services and other website content.

Being successful in Human Resources takes strong communication and relationship-building skills. With a new and improved digital presence, H2R can continue to showcase its  commitment to providing excellent services and fostering strong relationships in this modern  world.


Our Digital Main Street Future Proof partner in Waterloo Region is Communitech. See how they can help.


Written by Zak Nantais

About Digital Main Street

Digital Main Street was created by the Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas (TABIA) with direct support from the City of Toronto. DMS is also supported by a group of strategic business partners, including Google, Mastercard, Shopify, Meta, Intuit QuickBooks, Square, Lightspeed, Ebay and Canada Post.

A $42.5-million investment from FedDev Ontario brought together the Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas, Communitech, Invest Ottawa and the Ontario Business Improvement Area Association to expand the Digital Main Street Platform in order to support more businesses going digital as a response to the impacts of COVID-19 in Southern Ontario.

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